figure your life

figure your life
by yourself

Monday 16 January 2012

what am i doing?

Good morning !!!!

today is 2nd day of campus re-open..

but anyway..i still staying at my lovely hometown -Penang =)

hardly to describe my recent life..

one word to describe it - SPONTANEOUS

get sore throat, tooth pain , and common cold now !!

oh no !! all unlucky stuff came to me ><

better to get these than get these when CNY

and yeah ! normally the time now i would very busy for helping my parent on their business..

but i m blogging now !! weheeee ~~

because today is my only off day . 

thanks my parent =))

CNY just around the corner.. are you ready ?? 

for me, i wish to get one polo T for tis CNY =]

but i really dun have any idea which brand polo T is more nice and quality is good..

anyway ..happy CNY advance to all my friends !!

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